Thursday, January 17, 2013

Kate Tsui Dating Rich Magnate With $2 Billion Net Worth

Property prices have been surging in recent days thus making property holders the envy of many people. Despite this, there was a person who had recently elevated to a property holder but refused to admit to it. 

In April this year, when Kate Tsui (徐子珊) attended an event, where she was still sighing away about being unable to afford a property. However, as early as last September, Kate had jointly purchased a luxurious Residence Bel-Air unit with her mom for a staggering price of $10.8 million HKD, thus making Kate neighbors with Chow Yun Fat (周润发), Louis Koo (古天乐), Nick Cheung (张家辉) and other heavenly kings. 
During her Miss Hong Kong days in 2004, Kate had a tag of “Miss Hong Kong Home Ownership Scheme,” which is a subsidized-sale programme of public housing targeted to help low income families in Hong Kong. In 2008, Kate moved from her family residence to a monthly rental of $10,000 HKD apartment in South Horizons. Within one year, she upgraded to stay in the Bel-Air residence apartment which required a monthly rental of $30,000 HKD. 

From 2009 onwards, Kate Tsui always pretended to be poor and even emphasizing (more than once) that she was only renting the apartment and did not purchase it. Kate went as far as making the following statement in April 2011, “All along I always had a target in mind, which is to buy a property. However, the current property prices are more expensive than in the year 1997. Thus I still cannot fulfill this aim as of yet.” 

However, a quick check with the Hong Kong Land Registry proved otherwise. The data revealed that in September 2010, Kate Tsui had already jointly purchased the Bel-air residence apartment with her mom. Within a short span of ten months, the apartment had already appreciated in value to $12 million HKD. The initial purchase price was $10.8 million HKD. 

On the other hand, Kate Tsui’s mother also had a slip of the tongue and admitted that Kate’s property purchase was an “open secret”. However, despite being one of the joint owners of that apartment, Kate’s mother had never stayed there before and was still residing in the Tseung Kwan O public flat. 

Why did Kate Tsui refuse to admit that she bought a property? Alas, it was because the salary of a TVB artist was not high and although Kate had accepted the job of five TVB drama serials this year, her income was still at a measly sum of $5,000 HKD per episode. In fact, mainland filming opportunities and job event offers were in no way more than the other TVB Fadans. Thus in the year 2009 when she first rented her current Bel-air apartment, there were suspicions on how Kate managed to afford it, especially given that her salary income was not proportionate to the expenses (including the rental) that she incurred. This led to rumors that Kate was dating a rich magnate with a net worth of $2 billion HKD on the sly. 

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