Thursday, January 17, 2013

Kate Tsui fast song performance gets off key, messes up on words and ran out of breath

Yesterday Kate Tsui was a guest performer for the "Metro's 18 Star Charity", doing a fast song and dance performance. In the 7 minutes, she performed two fast songs, but she went off key, messed up on the words and even lost her breathe the more she sang. 

Kate helplessly said afterwards: "Takes up a lot of strength! First time performing the songs, I'm so nervous, when I was singing I had to keep on dancing and remember the steps, no time to take a breath. 

Asked if she felt that her performance was not that good? Kate said: "I don't know. I have to re-watch the recording and then examine it." She admits that when she's singing she seems to not have enough air. It has always been a question to the public on if Kate is really suitable to sing fast songs because singing fast songs while dancing need to cut down on the nervousness. If she had to sing two songs for her performance, one slow and one fast would be a better combination.

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