Thursday, January 17, 2013

Kate Tsui has Hope to Seize a "Double 8" - TV Queen & My Favorite Character awards

Last night, Kate Tsui and Alice Chan attended the magazine FLASHon party at W Hotel to celebrate their second anniversary. It was a star-studded party with many celebrities, singers, models and other well-known figures in attendance including TVB executive Virgina Lok, EEG chairman Albert Yeung and his daughter, Donnie Yen, Carina Lau, Hilary Tsui, Kary Ng, Aarif Lee, Janice Man, Kelvin Chan, Rosemary and many more. 

Kate was accompanied by Virgina Lok the whole night, but Kate denied that she's being favored: "There are so many people in TVB, Miss Lok loves all of us. This time, the organizers invited both of us to attend together, but I know she loves me too. Tonight, I saw a lot of friends and will try my best to get more votes for TV Queen." She reveals she is number "8" on the "Best Actress" and "My Favorite TV Female Character" award nominations and joked 8 is a lucky number. At the party, Kate met martial arts superstar Donnie Yen, and got his vote for the TV Queen title. 

Earlier it was said Kate going to become TV Queen for sure and got her competitor Tavia Yeung upset, therefore she didn't attend the TVB Anniversary Gala show. Kate said: "Of course not, nor can we believe those types of news. We all know Tavia got injured and TVB is really understanding, she should rest more." 

Also, Alice Chan's first TVB series Friendly Fire is airing soon, she frankly expressed she feels a lot of pressure because she used a completely new acting style to portray her villian role, she said: "I'm so anxious to see the audience reactions!" As for the Christmas holidays, Alice said she and her husband are both busy with their own work, so they won't be able to celebrate together this year.

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