Thursday, January 17, 2013

Kate Tsui likes Smart Men, Ready to Retire After Marriage

Kate Tsui entered the industry in 2004 after being crowned Miss Hong Kong and has been in a number of series since. In 2007, she debuted on the big screen and won the Best New Performer Award at the 27th Hong Kong Film Awards for her role in Johnny To's Eye in the Sky. She also has pretty good 'peach blossom luck' as she was rumored with several male artists like Ron Ng, Joe Ma and Kenneth Ma. It turns out she only has feelings for smart men outside of showbiz, and intends to retire after marriage! 

Best Way to Get Along is to have Same Taste 

If you meet your Mr. Right will you go for a lightning marriage?

Kate: "This is an interesting concept, but I never thought about what I'll do when I get married. When I was teenager, I told my mother I'm not getting married because I didn't know what the purpose was. I'm not saying I'm resisting marriage, but it's just I haven't met someone that really matches and that I feel I could be with. 

Just now I mentioned I won't find a boyfriend in this industry, it's not because I met an incompatible partner before and won't like people in showbiz again, rather I just don't like to be in the same work environment as my boyfriend. It's just like a couple working in the same office, don't really know what to do. In a relationship, a pair should have lots of topics to talk about. If you and him are working in the same office and know the same people, then topics narrow.

If we end up being in a series together as the lead actor and actress, then I cannot accept that. I want to keep work and private life separate. Kiss scenes are inevitable in acting, if my future boyfriend minds, then he should tell me, but after marriage I won't be working and will probably retire. I have this idea, but my thoughts usually never come true, haha. Perhaps I won't be able to retire. We never know what's going to happen next year, so just leave it to fate. Deliberately trying to plan will do you no good."

Longs for a True Love Romance Series 

Kate started off as a Miss HK, and has played many different roles in TVB series, including a policewoman, lawyer, wealthy lady and more, you can say she has high flexibility. Today, she hopes be in a simple romantic story, bringing out a 'true love' side of her. 

Kate: "This year my big work plans are to actively shoot series. All the series I've completely previously all broadcast around the same time and I'm afraid I won't have anything this year. So even with all my efforts, there will just be one series that will release. I've done films in between and have always been working in both the TV and film industry. However, this year I have no plans to release a music album, just focused on acting. Actually, I'm always doing different things, this year I want to do more series on romance, those true love types of stories. I have previously done too many hardcore roles like being a policewoman and boring the audience. Fans complain too, they all think I'm grown up, and can start doing other type of roles now, so I want to be part in a simple romantic series. Recently I've been shooting Highs and Lows, my role was initially a bar tender, but after several twists and turns, I end up in drug trafficking. She's a character that stops at rock bottom. In acting, I don't have times where I can't get out of the negative emotions. It's just if it was a rainy day, then I would feel sad. I'm a person that really needs sunshine!"

No Energy to Play with Young Men 

There has previously been several actors rumored with Kate, but it turns out she really opposes dating someone in the industry. She believes a couple working in the same industry, then there would be less topics between them and lose the sparks. Kate longs for her future other half to be someone outside of the industry and she hopes he'll be able to teach her lots of things. She admits, at this moment, she really wants to be in a relationship! 

Kate: "Being in this industry, must have a peach blossom. 'Audience fate' is a type of peach blossom too. Dating or not, leave it to fate. I'm actually pretty desperate to date myself because I feel it's about the time I should be in a relationship. A lot of my female juniors and seniors are getting married and having children, I'm really happy for them, but also audience nowadays are more accepting to artists finding their other half. They have a very open mind. Humans are humans, should have a balanced life and dating is just a part of life. At this stage in life, I do have pursuers, but I have to look clearly first. My pursuers are people outside of this industry, I don't like people in showbiz. That's boring. We're all in this industry, it's hard to match our schedules, for example, you're shooting in the morning, and I'm shooting at night. The times can't be regulated, it's hard to accommodate. The main point is, I hope my other half can teach me things. If we are both in the same profession, we see the world the same way and that's just not good enough. 

I didn't say I especially like men from a specific profession, the key is to have common hobbies and taste. It would be the best if he's handsome, and looks smart, a clever guy and can communicate with me. He should be older than me too. I'm not saying how much older he has to be because I never dated someone over 10 years older than me, so I don't know if that works. But, I think it shouldn't be too big of an issue. Among my ex-boyfriends, the oldest one is only a few years older than me. We were only together because we had the same taste. If the age gap is too big, that's not going to work; if he's younger than me, he'll probably be always playing, I don't have the energy to play with him. Should I go down to the park with him to kick ball? Haha. Those in their 20s do those things, so the boyfriend I choose should be close in age, personality and taste with me. That's how we have common topics." 

A Sexy Goddess? Thanks to Mom 

A lot of men think Kate is the 'Sexy Goddess', but she did not dare to admit. 

Kate: "Sexy is just a feeling. It's just other people calling me sexy. My definition of sexy is like this, people think I am, I won't be annoyed. I cannot control others' impressions. I don't know if its an innate quality, but my mom thinks its strange, why would her daughter be sexy? Haha, because she always saw me as a clear and bright little girl. She can't associate me with the word sexy. You think I'm sexy, I could only thank my mom. In fact, my standard of sexy is if other girls see a girl to have the sexy appeal or let me put it this way, this is very natural. You feel someone is very attractive, but that may not necessarily be in the eyes or mouth, it could be the personality or speech." 

Epilogue: Charisma Attracts Rumors 

Females who have a gentle voice, a foolish feeling and a sweet appearance had always been attractive to the opposite sex. However, during this interview, Kate was very straightforward, answered questions quickly and had quick reactions. She is no way a gentle and sweet girl. Why does she attract so many rumors then? Turns out, when Kate take pictures, she can immediately put away the tomboy side of her and display a sharp eye expression. Then she can pose in the most feminine way. This just proves straightforward and clever girls, just as long as they put out their feminine side at the right time, they can still attract men.

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