Thursday, January 17, 2013

Kate Tsui's recent high exposure rate, making tons of money

TV Queen hot favorite Kate Tsui's recent exposure rate has been very high. Yesterday she appears at Wan Chai for a car show event. When asked if she's making a lot more money from all the jobs she's been getting? She laughed and said its all because of Chan Ka Bik from Highs and Lows efforts. She said: "The role has brought me a lot more opportunities, many cilents have contacted me. In the last two months, I've attended 20 events. Besides working in Mainland, I've also got more endorsements and film dubbing work." When asked if she got a pay raise? She said her manager decides that. 

This year Kate had such good results, she intends to buy herself a house: "I want to buy a house to reward my family because I have to thank my family a lot, so I hope to get a 1,000sqft home. (How about a car?) The car company said they'll lend me a car. If so, that would be great, but actually I already own a car."

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