Thursday, January 17, 2013

Kate Tsui’s Revolutionary Behavior; Acting As A Drug Dealer For The Very First Time

Ever since she entered the television industry since her pageant days, Kate Tsui (徐子珊) has already acted in a police role for a total of five times. However, it seemed like Kate may finally be able to shake off the stereotyping role for a short while now as she managed to try her hand at acting as a pregnant drug dealer, which was something quite the contrary from her usual role, for the 2012 TVB Sales Presentation.

Kate laughed and delightedly professed that she finally didn’t have to act as a police officer yet again. While they were filming, Kate’s character was even required to point the gun against the temple of Joyce Tang‘s (滕麗名) chararacter, in a bid to scare Joyce. When interviewed, fellow cast members Michael Miu (苗僑偉) and Roger Kwok (郭晉安) expressed that the concept of this drama genre was fresh thus they greatly hope that the company would place additional resources to film more of such high quality dramas to benefit the audiences.

Kate Tsui, Joyce Tang, Michael Miu and Roger Kwok were busy filming the trailer for one of the dramas scheduled for the 2012 TVB Sales Presentation yesterday. One of the scenes filmed for their action-packed drama, Thunderous Drug Raid《雷霆掃毒》(tentative title), was a thrilling gunfire exchange which saw Roger’s police character storming into the scene in his bulletproof vest.

Kate expressed that she had previously shot a trailer for Triumph In The Skies II《衝上雲霄II》for the 2012 TVB Sales Presentation and harbored hopes to have an opportunity to participate in the actual filming of “Triumph” as it was considered to be one of the TVB classic dramas of all time. Kate also lamented that she had unfortunately missed the chance to star in the first installment of “Triumph” as she had not entered the industry yet at that point in time.

In “Thunderous Drug Raid”, Kate Tsui appeared onscreen as a pregnant drug dealer and had pressed a gun against Joyce Tang’s temple, making the scene feel severely intense. Kate remarked, “I’m finally not acting as a police again this time ’round. Ever since I entered the industry, I have acted as a police officer for a total of five times now thus it is rather satisfactory to have such an opportunity acting as a villain for this drama! However, it is still too soon to speak as I’m not even sure whether I would be handed this role when this drama officially starts filming.”

Joyce Tang, on the other hand, revealed that she was currently busy shooting a comedy sitcom and filmed from morning to night, “I have not tried waking up at 7AM in the morning for a long time now. It’s really quite pressurizing.”

Michael Miu denoted that “Thunderous Drug Raid” will only officially start filming next January. Asked Michael whether he would be acting as a police officer or a drug lord, Michael laughed and replied, “They are still thinking about it but anything is fine with me. I don’t mind acting as a villain either.”

Michael, who had signed on a per-series contract with TVB, professed that he would be filming two dramas for TVB next year. The reporter then brought up the topic of the recent poaching trend and asked Michael whether he would be worried about the quality of future TVB dramas.

In reply to this, Michael responded, “Since Ricky Wong (王維基) [Chairman of rival television station City Telecom] has already been aggressively poaching, TVB should just quickly hire more people to fill the positions vacated lor!” (Reporter: Did Ricky Wong try to poach you?)“Well, we briefly chatted before lor! Artistes like us are usually freelance actors thus it is of the utmost importance that TVB shoots some huge production dramas that are of a certain quality and assurance. However, this can also be considered to be a good matter as the professionals in our industry are finally being highly regarded again.”

Roger Kwok turned down jobs to spend more time with his family

Ever since Roger gained success from acting in comical drama series like Square Pegs《憨夫成龙》, Life Made Simple《阿旺新传》and D.I.E.《古灵精探》, he has not been asked by the company to act in any serious police-themed dramas for a long time now. Roger professed that to shoot series of this genre, it was most significant for TVB to be willing to invest as much resources as possible.

Roger continued, “I have signed a per-series contract on top of my management contract with TVB for a long time now. For these past few years, I have been filming to and fro between China and Hong Kong. Although I had to give up many job offers, I still enjoy this current work arrangement as I am after all a family man now so I hope to spend more time bonding with my family. ”

In other news, Steven Ma (馬浚偉) was accused of being a fence-sitter for positioning himself right beside the General Manager of TVB Broadcasting Affairs, Stephen Chan (陳志雲), at one moment and ingratiating himself with the Production and Resource Director of TVB, Virginia Lok (樂易玲), at the next moment.

In reply to this, Steven helplessly reverted, “I guess I can only dismiss these absurd and fabricated rumors with a laugh lah! Everyone knows that this is totally baseless as I have always said that although “Tsang-Jie” Catherine Tsang (曾勵珍) is my mentor and Mr Chan has indeed given me several good opinions with regards to my contract, I rarely interacted with Ms Lok. Saying that I fawn upon Ms Lok, would anyone even believe it in the first place?”

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