Thursday, January 17, 2013

Kate Tsui gets a mysterious phone call offering her a price

Actresses in showbiz are often rumored to have a wealthy businessman take care of them for different prices, as a mistress, through a dinner banquet and numerous others. Most targets are the ones who started their careers from a beauty contest. 2004 Miss Hong Kong winner Kate Tsui recently had a chain of kisses on-screen and was secretly admired by someone. The person got a matchmaker to call Kate and invite her out for a 'private meeting'. 

(Speaker: Kate Tsui) 

Come out for a 'drink' if it doesn't work out 

My idea of 'dinners' is nothing complicated. Several years after my debut into the industry, the dinner banquets my management arranged for me, I attended them all. Of course, the targets are sponsors, advertisers and charity banquets. The rest are personal dinners that have never made it into the light. You ask me if anyone offered me a price before? I can tell you, usually I do not answer calls from unfamiliar numbers, but recently I have answered one call that asked me if I could have a 'private meeting' with them. 

One day my phone rang with a Mainland number displayed. I thought it was my manager who called me from Mainland, so I answered the call. I unexpectedly heard a deeper voice speaking in Mandarin through the phone, but there was also a woman's voice speaking Cantonese. At first she spoke Mandarin, but then she switched to Cantonese. Based on her tone, I already felt the call was strange. She asked me if I was Kate Tsui? And said her boss has a job for me, it is a birthday party, he wanted to invite me to the party to sing and be the MC. I recommended she contact my manager first. 

But that woman jumped over my manager and personally talked to me about a price. She said managers usually turn down the offer. She expressed money isn't a problem, 500,000 or a million would be ok and I could just offer a price as I wished. However, that moment I really didn't care about that or how many zeroes I wanted to add. I just expressed that she should call my manager and her manager will notify me. That woman wouldn't let me go, she continued with her chatter. She said if the negotiations really don't work out in the end, she will ask me out for a 'drink' to discuss more. I asked her how she got my number? She just said a friend gave it to her, but the person is very low-key. When I asked the same question a few more times, she finally mentioned the friend's name, but I totally didn't know anyone by that name. 

Later, of course she didn't contact my manager, but she called me again. This time I learned a lesson and didn't answer the call. I want to tell everyone I am not this type of person, so after that incident I felt a bit embarrassed. Actually there was someone before who did the same thing, but asked me through someone else. Even before I heard the price, I dashed off through the backdoor. Although I have been in the industry for 7 years, I often have this attitude, but nobody cares and still ask me. 

Change of image 

I believe money is important, but how much is enough? At least, I am currently satisfied, have a job I love and have no difficulties in making a living. This is considered falling short of the best, but better than the worst. I basically do not need another account to add in more zeroes! 

I remember the first few years in the industry, I had short hair and looked like a tomboy. Basically I couldn't attract others to show appreciation for me, so through this experience I started keeping fit and dressed to look more like a female. What does this have to do with my image? I believe it's related, but the outer appearance is not related. Just as long as people pay attention, I do indeed have that sexiness and savagery on stage, otherwise you wouldn't see me dressed like this. I can accept small amounts of sexiness in public events, but there is no need to show off because all I want is to just be more feminine. 

Recently the series I participated in had some sexy and intimate kiss scenes. In one costume drama, a bathing scene led to complaints, but honestly speaking, there was doubt when I was shooting the scene too. Can the scale be that large in costume dramas? But as an artist, if the role is described like that, then must maintain the professionalism and complete the scene. I have my bottom line in acting, just as long as it's logical I will respect. 

Name: Kate Tsui 
Birthday: June 19, 1979 
Education: University of California, Japanese major. 

- 2004 Miss Hong Kong (first place) 
- 2007 TVB Most Improved Female Artist (On The First Beat, Steps) 
- 2008 Enters Film Industry, won Hong Kong Film Awards "Best New Performer" for Eye In the Sky
- 2009 Enters Music Industry, debut sing-dance album Kiss Me Kate.

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