Thursday, January 17, 2013

Kate Tsui saving up to learn car racing

Kate Tsui and a travel show host Tony Hung arrived in Mei Foo for the visually disabled dark experience "not The Same Hong King." Yesterday Kate wore 4-inch heels and a low-cut dress, and because she didn't know she had to go through a dark experience, she was worried that she wore the wrong shoes and would fall in the dark environment.

Kate loves experiencing in different environments in life. She once went to England to study and recently had fell in love with motor sports. She plans to go train her racing skills in Italy: "If I could take a few months off, I really hope to go learn racing. I have a friend who has already learned it and the greatest problem is the racing insurance doesn't cover you. Have to save up, if something happens, still need money for medical expenses." But, usually she only speeds when it's legal and safe.

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